電舞迴廊 CD
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The Gallery:Social Deconstruction
電舞迴廊 CD
電舞迴廊 CD哪裡買最便宜.心得文.試用文.分享文行李箱/旅遊用品分享推薦.好用.推薦.評價.熱銷.開箱文.優缺點比較
前幾天在逛街的時候看到汽車貸款率利試算表公式電舞迴廊 CD 覺得很心動而且正打算買電舞迴廊 CD
但是我想電舞迴廊 CD在網路上買應該會比較便宜,電舞迴廊 CD而且24小時都能買,上網慢慢挑選,不用等店家開門也不用看店員臉色
電舞迴廊 CD
電舞迴廊 The Gallery:Social Deconstruction ★倫敦派對名廠MoS旗下熱門舞客聖殿The Gallery專屬特典 |
★Marcel Woods、M.I.K.E.、Daniel Kandi跨世代精英一次到位 ★2CD夢幻陣容24首火熱旋律,打造絕無冷場的電舞盛宴 全球票選最佳夜店Ministry of Sound旗下熱門場The Gallery,每週五的活動皆引爆排隊人潮,大牌明星DJ接連入主坐鎮,更是吸引全球舞客爭相專程前往朝聖!這張為其量身訂做的2CD特典《The Gallery:Social Deconstruction》,邀來The Gallery最夯駐場DJ與深具潛力的明日之星共襄盛舉,搬出最受歡迎的主打必備曲目,以Non-Stop的方式串連精彩混音節拍,完美勾勒The Gallery那令人血脈賁張的火熱氛圍,讓無法親臨現場的朋友,能夠享受一場熱力四射的狂High派對!打頭陣的Gavyn Mytchel,為專司Deep Tech Funk House的當家DJ,一開場就綻放耀眼的光芒,讓人直接投入最亢奮的氣氛裡頭!來自荷蘭Tech Trance DJ/製作人Marcel Woods,在DJ Tiesto提攜下走出屬於自己一片天,伴隨〈New Feeling〉帶來感官上的全新體驗;成功征服Cream、 Gatecrasher、Godskitchen等派對聖殿的英倫舞曲雙雄Riley & Durrant,運用層次堆疊和高潮起伏的編排,打造〈Femme Retrospectif〉最奇情的饗宴;比利時電音之王M.I.K.E.,替無比攝人的〈Embrace〉飆速快感!2CD包裝著24首力薦作品,從頭到尾絕無冷場,頂尖夢幻的DJ群和曲目,全在《The Gallery:Social Deconstruction》一次送上! |
曲目 試聽請點我[試聽] CD1 01. Gavyn Mytchel - EC1 to SE1 (Original Mix) 02. Manuel De La Mare - 103 (Original Mix) 03. My Digital Enemy - Totem 103 (Original Mix) 04. Marcel Woods - New Feeling (Original Mix) 05. Riley & Durrant - Femme Retrospectif (Original Mix) 06. Ronski Speed - Proton12 (Original Mix) 07. First State - Backstage (Original Mix) 08. Claudia Cazacu - Emerge (Original Mix) 09. Ali Wilson - Quest (Original Mix) 10. Tritonal - Azuca (Original Mix) 11. The Thrillseekers - Into The Dawn (Gallery 5am Mix) 12. Kyau & Albert - The Box (Original Mix) CD2 01. Martin Roth - I MOS You (Dark & Long Mix) 02. Paul Thomas - Galeria (Original Mix) 03. Oliver Lang - Cash Point (Original Mix) 04. Alex M.O.R.P.H. - 103 Gaunt St (Original Mix) 05. Jochen Miller - BAMM (Gallery Edit) 06. Max Graham - Sona (Original Mix) 07. M.I.K.E. - Embrace (Original Mix) 08. Stoneface & Terminal - Gallery Of Sound (Original Mix) 09. Ben Nicky ft. Luke Potter - Walls (Original Mix) 10. Lisa Lashes - Interconnect (Original Mix) 11. Daniel Kandi - Insert Generic Title (The Gallery Bangin’ Mix) 12. W&W - White Label (Original Mix) |
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